What is OcrGui?

OcrGui is a G.U.I. (Graphic User Interface) for O.C.R. (Optical Character Recongnition). This program will help you to extract text from scanned images. It is developed in C language using GLib and GTK+ frameworks and supports two open source OCR engines:

  • Tesseract
  • Gocr

OcrGui also provides a spell check using Hunspell, an open source spell checker.


Vertical layout Horizontal layout Preferences' dialog
Spell check dialog OcrGui can extract text from more than one file




OcrGui depends on:

  • GLib, GTK+
  • Tesseract or Gocr
  • Hunspell
  • Convert (part of ImageMagick)

Useful links

Visit Tesseract site for dictionaries used by Tesseract. Visit Hunspell site for information about spell check dictionaries.